
We invite you to leave a record of your visit to this web site or the actual Old Holy Trinity Church. Unlike a physical guest book that provides only limited space for notation, this digital version provides more space than you probably need.

Please note that your email address is required to complete the posting but it will not be displayed.

Thanks for visiting.

Old Holy Trinity Church Charitable Trust Committee


  1. John A. MacEachern

    Old Holy Trinity Church, in Middleton Nova Scotia, can only be described as one of Canada’s great historical properties and deserves to be recognized as such.

  2. Vivian Morris

    This summer we were not fortunate enough to receive a government grant to hire a student.
    The Old Holy Trinity Church is open during the summer months but on irregular hours as it will be staffed only as volunteers are available.
    There will be a regular church service there on Sunday, August 31 at 11:00 AM open to everyone. Tours of the building and cemetery will be available after the service.

  3. Leonard F DOdge

    Thanks so much for this wonderful Web Page. I did visit last year but never saw the inside of the church and I just now found this web page. I am placing the headstone from your cemetery and also Pine Grove on Find A Grave and the information on this web page help me so much in identifying the people.
    Lenny Dodge

  4. Vivian Morris

    A very enjoyable concert on 13 July 2017 featuring Adam Baxter. He was originally from Middleton & now makes his home in Newfoundland. The acoustics of this old church are tremendous. Hopefully there will be more concerts in the future.

    • Vivian Morris

      Contact details are on the first page under “About Us”
      Old Holy Trinity Charitable Trust
      PO Box 1105, Middleton, NS B0S 1P0

      There is no phone #

  5. Thom Gillis

    The Recent Donations list is linked to a PDF file which lists the last donations Recent Donations Acknowledgement “In Memory Of ” as of the year 2014
    That needs a little updating

  6. Vivian Morris

    A letter from a supporter of Old Holy Trinty Charitable Trust.
    “Brigadier-General Timothy Ruggles was an ancestor of mine. I see that he is buried in the church’s graveyard. Timothy Ruggles lived in Hardwick, Massachusettes, USA prior to his relocation to the Middleton, Nova Scotia area. I am one of his decendants from Massachuetts. The Hardwick Massachusetts Historical Museum has his “war chest” as part of their collection.
    Thank you for keeping the Old Holy Trinity Church and graveyard in such wonderful condition. Enclosed is a donation to the Old Holy Trinity Charitable Trust.”
    D.A. Norling

  7. Rob Anders

    Thank you for this website and the information provided on it. Several of my ancestors are buried here and it’s nice to know that they won’t be going anywhere.

  8. Heather Ferguson

    I would like to inquire as to whether there is a service between now ,July 25 ,2024 and August 11 , 2024. I would hope to attend if in that time space. My ancestor was Rev. John Griswel .

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