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I’m doing research in Virginia (Alexandria) on 18th century Anglican and Presbyterian churches and your web site and the photo gallery are very, very useful. Could you send me the overall dimensions for the building? Does not have to be exact, approx. is just fine. Looks to me to be about 32 ft. and 50 ft. long (without the steeple and apse).
This church is approximately 60 feet (length) by 40 feet (width). An addition 10 foot section is at the front altar area. Sorry we are so late in getting back to you.
I think it would be lovely to see all the churches in Middleton come together And have one big open your service on Easterday everyone can bring their own chairs we could go to the Rotary Park set 6 feet away from each other and praise the Lord not this not just this church but all our churches in one big service
Hello – I’d like to confirm two burials in the Old Holy Trinity cemetery:
Emmeline Margaret (Dauphinee) Chambers d. 26 July, 1991
Harold Chambers d. 15 July 1951
I don’t believe that there are headstones, but do believe they were buried in the same plot as William Warden Dauphinee and Minnie Dauphinee. William and Minnie’s gravestone is listed as #70 on the cemetery map.
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
Very beautiful church… hope to come back soon again. – Fred
Do you marry people?